Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thoughts about Pain

Since Friday (today is Wednesday), I have been suffering with debilitating pain from my back.  It feels like there is a wick in my spine that gets lit and then burns all the way down my right leg to my toes, especially burning my ankle. I have rather severe stenosis of the spine and degenerative disk disorder.  This pain is severe enough that I can’t find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay.  What makes it worse is that I can take no pain medication.  For some reason, my body rejects every one of them except ibuprofen which does little good. Tomorrow I am scheduled for an epidural so I can’t even take ibuprofen now.  My quality of life is just about nil.  I haven’t left the house since Sunday when I did go out for brunch but then came right home.  I am not a stay-at-home type of person.
Today I started looking at old pictures on my computer.  I have had some wonderful trips and seen many places from Halifax to Waikiki.  I have been to Paris and some parts of Mexico.  I have been to all 50 states including a great trip to Alaska. I have been to the Caribbean.  I look at those pictures and I think that was in the past.  I have had a wonderful past.  But – and there is that word “but” – because of the severe pain, I have trouble seeing much of anything in my future.  The epidural should help as they always have but it is not a cure and I can only have one since I had two in November and one can only have 3 in a year.

So what can I do?  I read and watch TV and listen to the radio.  B has been waiting on me, making all my food, helping me with every possible thing. She is an excellent caregiver but I am not terribly good at letting people help me although I have improved over the years in that area.  In July I am going to Milwaukee and then taking my granddaughter to Turks and Caicos.  I have to be better.  The doctors tell me that the only possible cure is surgery and that is not a positive either.  In my later years, surgery has given me complications and so I want to avoid that but it may be my only choice.

I recently read three books about WWII and realized how lucky I was.  I was born in 1938 in Milwaukee.  I could have been born somewhere in Europe and, since I am Jewish, who knows what could have happened.  None of my relatives were in Europe during that time either.  The luck of birth. I was also born into a family that loved children and only wanted the best for them. Another stroke of luck.  I need to look at all the wonderful things in my life and there are many when something like this happens.  And I have many things to look forward to as well.  It is just that, at this moment, I seem to just want to wallow and try to deal with this pain until tomorrow when I will have the shot.


  1. Hoping for relief for you, as you know. Bjn

  2. Remember that you also have friends and family who will always be here for you, help you in any way we can. Will be thinking about you tomorrow and hope that the shot will make you feel well enough to get through the next months and help you feel OK to go on that wonderful trip this summer.

  3. When people have chronic pain, it is hard to have a positive outlook. However, you are a positive person and have a lot of support surrounding you from many family and friends. Take our positive vibes with you into the procedure room tomorrow, know we are thinking of you and wishing the pain will go away. If I could take it away from you and burn it to a crisp so it never returns I would do that for you. That is the imagery I hold for you today, tomorrow and throughout any pain you may have. I love you. Lori

  4. Thank you, Lori. I will hold that imagery when I go tomorrow. I love you also.
