Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weight and United States Health Care


I have come to a decision about weight. Once you reach a certain age, you are what you are. I have eaten very healthy. I have exercised as much as I can. Do I lose weight? No. Am I feeling better? Yes. I have decided that as long as I eat fairly well and exercise as I am doing, I am at the weight I am supposed to be at. If this results in some slight weight loss over time, so be it.

United States Health Care

Congress is debating a health care bill. It is becoming so convoluted that most people can’t understand it at all. To make matters worse, there is a group of very smart propagandists who want to make sure that insurance companies get everything and the average person is left out in the cold. There are people who are staying at jobs which are not in their best interests just because of health insurance. I could go on but I would just like to start a discussion about this topic.

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