Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life Is Ever-Changing

Yesterday I was feeling particularly sorry for myself. I am leaving for New York tomorrow and I have something wrong with my eye – an infection or a contusion – neither of which is serious but annoying. About two weeks ago, I started having trouble with my hamstring which is really a problem with my back. Yesterday I went to the doctor and was told that it would probably get worse before it gets better. This was upsetting not only because I am leaving for New York and then on to Milwaukee but also because there is a pattern. It seems that every time I feel I am improving my body, something else breaks down. So, I slumped into the “woe is me” pattern. I usually allow myself a day or two to wallow and then I get back to being my normal self. However, last night after a wonderful Chanukah dinner at my sister’s house, I looked at my Blackberry and saw I had an email from a friend. She informed me that another friend, a woman I have known since moving to LA, has ovarian cancer, is in the hospital scheduled for surgery and for chemotherapy. All of a sudden, I forgot about my aches and pains. Nothing I have is life-threatening. All my thoughts are with my friend. May she know that so many people are thinking of her, love her and wish her well, hoping she has a quick and successful recovery.