Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Lately, I have taken to watching HGTV which is very unusual since I have never had much interest in home or garden. Having married into a family who owned a furniture store and making numerous trips to the Furniture Mart in Chicago, I enjoyed that type of thing even less than I had before. When told by my mother-in-law that I had to learn the business so I could help my husband when he took it over, I informed her that I would never do that. If I worked, it would not be in the furniture store. It would be teaching. So here I am, many years later, and I am watching HDTV. What a shock.

I learned a new term – man-cave. As these couples look for a new home, many of the men want a man-cave. My curiosity was peaking. What was a man-cave? This is a place where the man can do what he wants, leave everything where he wants and nobody will care or bother him. So – I want a woman-cave. I also want a place where I can do many projects at once, leaving them in all states of disarray and they will be touched by nobody. This has not seemed possible. We have an extra bedroom but that is our guest room. We enjoy having guests and so I don’t want to change that.

Why do I want a woman-cave? I have a lot of things I would like to do and I am not actually a very organized person. I like to have many things going at once since I tend to get bored. I want my electronic piano where I can play it without disturbing anyone. I want to organize my genealogy stuff and make it into something that I can hand down to my family. I actually want to add to it, not from the distant past but from the past I remember. This would necessitate my going through thousands of pictures, many in our basement (actually a storage locker). And there will be more projects, I am sure, as something else pops into my mind.

I have been talking about this lately and today BK suggested that, since we aren’t expecting any company until March, I should turn our guest room into my woman-cave. That will give me quite a long time where I can spread everything out and it won’t be disturbed. I think I will try it so thank you HGTV and thank you BK for the suggestion. Woman-cave here I come!